If the Captain falls Overboard
- Engine(s) stop when fob is submerged in water
- Audible alarm from boat hub and mobile device app
- Location marked via GPS on app and vessel multifunction displays (if equipped)
- Alerts sent to mobile app and wearables of connected passenger(s)
- Instructions provided on mobile app of connected passenger(s) on how to return to location where captain went overboard
If a Passenger falls Overboard
- Audible alarm from boat hub and mobile device app
- Location marked via GPS on app and vessel multifunction displays (if equipped)
- Alerts sent to mobile app and wearables of connected captain and other passenger(s)
- Directions provided on mobile app to location where passenger went overboard

Theft Deterrent System
Theft Deterrent System (TDS) locks your engine(s) to prevent unauthorised use. Once you’re ready to get back behind the wheel, your engine(s) can easily be unlocked via the proximity of the captain’s wearable or by using the 1st Mate mobile app. Additional TDS functions are available on the 1st Mate Marine Safety and Security System for Mercury SmartCraft Engines.
Distress Message
If a boat captain (driver wearing the captain’s fob) falls overboard and can’t get back onboard, or passengers can’t return the boat to the captain, 1st Mate will send a distress message to your emergency contact(s). Distress message is sent after a countdown timer expires or a request for help is made. Message includes location, heading, date and time of the “man overboard” event.